Don't be a thief, Linker!

"don't steal people's work, be a creathief"

"Michelle I'm hurt!

The hair I spent over 4 hours making while standing and without any break was posted on someone's status and she claimed it was her work"

These were the words of my roommate "Blessing" who is a badass hairstylist.

I quickly went to view the said lady's status and gave her a stellar warning.

The pain wasn't that she stole my friend's work, it was also the fact that she cannot deliver half of what blessing gives her customers.

(The lesson here is visible)

It's so amazing that in this part of the world, content theft goes unpunished.

If you're in the digital space you'd be familiar with "don't steal people's work, be a creathief"

I get the message they are trying to pass but in the real sense, it takes away your uniqueness as a brand from you. (more of this in subsequent emails)

And now to the physical product owners,

It's not entirely wrong to use someone's content to publicize your business.

But before you do that, make sure these 2 things are in check.

1). Make sure you're giving credit to the original owner of the content, be it a picture or a video, or even a soundtrack you added to your video.

If the lady who stole my friend's work had given her credit, we wouldn't have had any issues with her.

As long as the content is not yours, give credit!

2). Make sure you can deliver on the content you're showcasing.

I know you're trying to create a perspective that you have the best product or the best service.

But please, if you know your customer would be getting "what I ordered versus what I got" just showcase what you can deliver.

One of our core values at Links is that we want to eradicate the "what I ordered versus what I got" plague.

And that is why we send you weekly marketing messages to help you become better in your business.

He that has an ear, let him hear.

Ire ooo!